Published inUX PlanetYNAB: How empathy was used to flatten the app’s learning curveThe more we’re involved in the creation of our product, the less we become aware of how users are experiencing it.Feb 2, 20226Feb 2, 20226
Forget goals, focus on this instead.A powerful way to thrive and turn dreams into a reality.May 4, 20212May 4, 20212
Everything but the BagelA little moment that spiced up my life in more than one way.Oct 27, 20203Oct 27, 20203
I did not expect to find this in the diaper bag.We are in our house getting ready to get in the car to run some errands, and I see Brooklyn gathering her twin baby dolls and their diaper…Sep 18, 20201Sep 18, 20201
The surprise behind the doorIn our home, part of my “thing” is taking out the trash. Over the years, I’ve realized Amber will communicate with me through signs. One…Sep 11, 2020Sep 11, 2020
Breaking open the impossible with pliersA few nights ago, Brooklyn wanted to break open the rest of the Geodes she received as a gift.Sep 8, 2020Sep 8, 2020
Wasp spray, a ladder and being in the wrong place…twiceIt’s a Sunday morning, and I’m standing in my backyard with a full can of wasp spray. This should be a 30-second job, and I’ll be done. So…Aug 10, 2020Aug 10, 2020
All The Gold We Cannot SeeWhat happens when our attention is in the wrong place.Mar 13, 2020Mar 13, 2020
Published inUX PlanetUX & Daddy-Daughter DatesI learned more about UX in this process than my 8-month UX boot camp.Feb 19, 2020682Feb 19, 2020682
Published inUX PlanetA crucial UX practice found in the question of a 5-year-oldMy daughter is in this phase where she ends every question with “right?”.Feb 12, 2020101Feb 12, 2020101
Published inUX PlanetCreativity lives inside the boxWhy challenges and roadblocks are a good thing.Nov 11, 2019Nov 11, 2019
Published inUX PlanetDesigning in the doodlesHow a brief moment can make someone’s day.Oct 30, 2019Oct 30, 2019
Published inUX PlanetScrambled eggs & UXThe power of keeping things familiar.Oct 23, 2019Oct 23, 2019
Published inUX PlanetDear Designer, We need youWhy Imposter Syndrome is a good thing.Jul 29, 20192Jul 29, 20192